Power distribution has become a #1 challenge for Airports around the world. From not having enough charging options for passengers to inefficient and awkward placements, a new solution for airports, bus stations, train stations, and anywhere else with large seating areas was needed. In a top-rated mega-airport, Parabit Seatback Charging Stations won in a head-to-head trial pilot based on passenger feedback and staff experience.
The Parabit Lincoln and Holland Seatback Charging Stations utilize existing assets to deliver modern amenities. This innovative deliverable efficiently solves passengers’ struggles to power up their phones before a flight, bus ride, and more. The highly visible, and convenient-to-use charging stations will keep people coming back time and time again. Supporting child safety and eliminating awkward customer interactions during searches for low-positioned outlets has transformed the passenger experience. The clean aesthetics with dual-sided graphic surfaces on the seatbacks allows for monetization through advertisements, while the sturdy, future-proof design mitigates damage from luggage impact, prevents damaging spills, and reduces the possibility of passengers leaving behind chargers and devices. The distributed power helps passengers disperse throughout gate holds while delivering a premier passenger experience.

Parabit created an optional feature for the existing Seatback Charging Stations to create accessible charging for all. The ADA / PRM (Persons of Reduced Mobility) Charging Kit is a brand-new feature to add to the Parabit Seatback Charging Station. With seamless incorporation into existing Seatback Charging Stations, the kits install or phase to a 100% power-to-seat ratio. The topper with an accessibility graphic decal will universally catch the eye of passengers that require an accessible charge and is positioned at the ends of seating, providing functional, accessible power.
What else do the Seatbacks have to offer? The illuminated toppers capture passengers’ attention and validates the flow of power. Additionally, the charging stations can easily reconfigure gate holds as needed. These highly durable and reliable units accommodate tamper-proof outlets supporting all countries. Using the highest-grade materials and best-in-class components, the units provide a consistent aesthetic and passenger experience across the deployment of multiple seating models.
For more information, please email sales@parabit.com, or fill out our contact form here.