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GSX Key Takeaways and Trends with Rob Leiponis and Heather Glezen

A lot of the conversations that we've had with our partners and with our end users at the show over the years, we're seeing more and more open source technology and software that's being developed to allow the migration and the integration of technologies with solutions that clients currently have that's extending the life of the technology that they invested in.

Tune in to watch Rob Leiponis and Heather Glezen share their perspectives on GSX including key takeaways and trends!

Heather Glezen:

Hi, I'm Heather Glezen with Parabit. I'm here today with our CEO, Rob Leiponis. We just wrapped up GSX 2023, the As-Is Global Security Exchange Conference is one of the preeminent industry events in North America and even well attended globally. We're excited to get here to kind of share some insights and perspectives that we learned this week attending the conference and to share those thoughts with you.

Rob Leiponis:

Thank you, Heather. The GSX show was an incredible show, a lot of industry trends that we’re seeing with the migration to analytics, eliminate identity credentials. There's a huge issue within the industry where employees and visitors are lacking credentials and in order to improve the security of facilities, we saw a significant deployment of various different types of analytics throughout the show. Key takeaways from the show were the increased amount of remote video surveillance to supplement and or reduce the amount of armed guards. A key product that we see very growing within the industry is the increased amount of turnstiles that are being utilized in airports and facilities to be able to use technology to validate a person's credential when they're boarding a plane or when they're entering a facility.

Heather Glezen:

One of the tremendous takeaways of GSX and attending a show with such a global perspective is really understanding the current problems that the various industries are trying to solve. This brings together so many different industries just focused on how to more safely and more securely serve their customers, their clients, their employees. I think understanding current efficiencies, tools to mitigate the staffing landscape also contribute to a more sustainable and a more resilient industry. So we've seen some really tremendous questions and areas of focus on increasing that efficiency through technologies and innovation, more remote monitoring of facilities, and just various tools to help generate more value and generate a better ROI for customers as well.

Rob Leiponis:

True. Automation is extremely important in the deployment of security solutions. We see many clients now starting to deploy various different types of turnstile solutions, biometric solutions, in order to succinctly validate their employees, their visitors, their vendors to enter and exit their facilities.

Heather Glezen:

I completely agree. There's such a huge trend towards biometrics and all the different values it drives and also the different applications. So one of the things that I really appreciate about GSX is it offers such a global perspective. I think that offers a tremendous value in seeing how all those various pieces come together.

Rob Leiponis:

Yeah, I agree. And a lot of the conversations that we've had with our partners and with our end users at the show over the years, we're seeing more and more open source technology and software that's being developed to allow the migration and the integration of technologies with solutions that clients currently have that's extending the life of the technology that they invested in. So to be able to have that type of collaboration between software and hardware providers, developing technology is really helping end users gain a lot of value out of the technology that they're purchasing because of that open source environment that's being created and developed and maintained within the security space.

Heather Glezen:

I agree and to your point around collaboration, there's tremendous value and a growth in collaboration between manufacturers and security integrators and end users. And when you have that transparency, I see those as the most productive, the most efficient, the most effective relationships.

Rob Leiponis:

Absolutely. They're feeling much more confident talking to manufacturers and providers of solutions that have an open architecture that don't require the client to only buy their product or the bits and pieces that get bolted on or integrated into that solution because that's going to add value to you if you have that open mindset to integrate into those third party solutions and not keep it within a tight environment where you're restricted to only buying a specific type of technology.

Heather Glezen:

That builds out your flexibility in how you approach things now and into the future.

Rob Leiponis:

Yep. Absolutely.

Heather Glezen:

Rob, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, your insight, and that innovation mindset that you bring to all of our conversations and to the space in general. Appreciate that and had so much fun attending GSX with you. For those of you that were able to join us at GSX, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and see us, to visit with us, to share your ideas, to share your problems, and let us engage in conversation. For those of you that were not able to join us, we'd love to connect. Please don't hesitate to reach out. We're passionate about the security and self-service space. We're very interested in the direction that the industry is going and how to get there more effectively. We'd love to engage in conversation around your current challenges, problems, needs, goals, and how we can collaborate to support your vision. Thank you so much and look forward to speaking with you.


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