Casinos draw in large numbers of people daily, at all times of the day. The constant surge of guests means that security needs to keep an even closer eye out for suspicious behavior since it can go unnoticed in large crowds.

Casinos across the world have always needed to have strong security procedures in place. The industry faces unique challenges and has a responsibility to ensure that its guests, employees, and assets remain secure. Aside from facing security risks that can impact the welfare of guests, casinos also encounter fraud, cheating, and theft on a constant basis.
Regulations at casino gambling tables are extremely stringent to ensure the integrity of the game is protected. There are always people who will try and cheat the system, whether that be cheating at the table or manipulating the slots. With that in mind, there must be constant monitoring at all times. Parabit Surveillance Camera Housings make it easy to do so. Counter Mount Camera Housings facilitate proper sensor positioning delivering high-quality line of sight and facial image capture. Installing a small counter mount at the head of a blackjack table can ensure 24/7 security and keep the game fair.

Besides cheating, fraud has become a huge issue within the world of casinos. When large sums of money are involved, there needs to be constant monitoring of where it is going. People may try to commit fraud when money changes hands at a rapid pace. Even with a watchful human eye, often this theft can go unnoticed. The Parabit Counter Mount Camera Housings is ideal for customer service and transaction points and keeps video surveillance and monitoring on players. In the case that someone does steal, it will be recorded on the camera, and easily traceable. This leads to the next challenge casinos regularly face; evidence gathering.
Evidence gathering in casinos is necessary. When a crime is committed, casinos must have both real-time videos as well as monitor retrospectively, to track a criminal’s behavior in the casino. Security officials must be able to track down the person in the video in a quick manner to identify their whereabouts. If a theft is reported on the casino floor, security can go back to surveillance and find the exact video of the incident. They can then look at other surveillance footage, which can lead to the whereabouts of the criminal. Surveillance Camera Housings accelerate security investigations and leverage analytics, assisting casino security officials to address these types of challenges.
Last but certainly not least, space and volume are security issues that need to constantly be addressed. Casinos draw in large numbers of people daily, at all times of the day. The constant surge of guests means that security needs to keep an even closer eye out for suspicious behavior since it can go unnoticed in large crowds. With the help of security technology, large crowds can be broken down by many individual cameras, ensuring that any suspicious behavior will not go unnoticed. Monitor entry and exit points easily with the Parabit Doorway Camera Housing. Discreet, with a seamless fit onto any standard door frame or casing, mullion, or door jamb. Flexible installation options and hardware supporting biometrics, edge analytics, and AI deep learning.
Check out Parabit Surveillance Camera Housings to learn more about how they can monitor, secure, and safeguard casinos and resorts.
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